Well, first off it's been a busy old time since i finished the York - Derby bike ride!!! In the end the Sunday was a a fine day although i spent quite a bit of it riding alone in order to make the most using tarmac routes. After lunch in Edwinstowe the last section was like riding home and as i passed through Kimberley, couldn't resist a surprise visit to our friends Sal and Keef. On arrival at Pride park in Derby in the rain, i was overwhelmed to see Amy and Geoff from the Derby jugglers who had come out to welcome me back. It was then hasty goodbyes to Amie and Alice from the Lymphoma Association and a couple of my fellow riders before racing off to catch my train home to Prestatyn.
In the meantime things have been going well with training for my other events. A few weeks ago whilst camping i tried out my first open water swim which was a good, if somewhat humbling experience! The first few attempts i couldn't get into a rhythm at all as i struggled to get used to peering in the gloom of a lake rather than the smooth tiles of a pool. The Carneddau Tri club do open water swimming sessions every Friday night at Llyn Geirionydd so i may have to spend bit of time over there with them prior to the Bala Tri. All in all the swimming though is finally coming together and i'm feeling steadily more confident about the mile swim in September.

Last week Manu, Mark, Mike and Myself (alliteration!?) all climbed up Snowdon via the Pyg track and reccied the route down Crib Goch where we were met with strange looks from other climbers as it's far more common to climb UP Crib Goch. The weather was amazing and is the first time i've been able to see anything other than cloud from Snowdon's summit. Now, we are putting finishing touches to plans for the 15 peaks in two weeks time.
Also in the news, my great friend Alwyn has completed his 'Golfy Marti-thon' by playing 3 rounds of golf in 24 hours in 3 countries. I joined him and his pals Alywn and Wod at the first tee in Denbigh golf club at 5 am on Friday June 18th for a beautiful start to the day. They then went on to complete a round in Wigan where the club had not only provided them with a free round of golf, but had also asked all the other club players to let them through if they caught up, which they did as well as applauding!! Their final round was in Dumfries where they finished up at about 9pm having played 54 holes and walked roughly 20 miles!! I'm sure the pint at the 55th hole tasted sweeeeeet. They have done an amazing fund raising effort and raised well over £1000 to add to the Marti-thon pot - thanks guys Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Finally, mas