Well, the first Marti-thon challenge is nearly over as i now have a full head (almost) of hair which has been lovingly trimmed today by my wife and it actually looks pretty nice!
In just 10 days it'll be time for challenge number 2 as i will be leaping off the Middlesborough transport bridge attached to a Bungee cord. I am SOOOOO excited about it but must confess to feeling slightly nervous too! All of my other challenges i can train and prepare for - there's not much you can do to prepare for a bungee although i have been jumping the bottom two stairs. . .
So far we've raised £725.20 which is totally awesome but i'm hoping to see that total creep up over the next few days as we approach the bungee and beyond - it would be awesome to break the £1k mark!
Training for the other challanges has been going well, i did a 9 miles run on Saturday along the beach so getting closer to that half marathon distance and planning a long hill run over the weekend.
Continued thanks to everyone for their support. x
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